你是否常常希望你可以打好你的英文语法的基础,以让你的生活可以好过些?Do you aspire to enhance the foundation of your English language proficiency so that you can be more capable to carry out your work duties?
只要你有意愿,并且有毅力,我愿意助你一臂之力。As long you have the will and self-determination, I am here to offer a helping hand.
加强英语语法的基础:免收费,1个小时的一对一线上辅导。This is a free, one-to-one basis, one hour Online Coaching on Essential English Grammar Rules.
请填写报名表格 Kindly fill up the registration form:
Selection is subject to the ultimate decision of Amalov Veronica. 非诚勿扰。
Open only for adults above 30 years old. 申请者必须年龄30以上。