还在为生活努力着的你们看这边! 甲洞Skinny Dip Cafe终于有自己独立的网站啦! 赶快成为他们的会员,索取30%的折扣福利吧! (只限前两单哦,折扣码请登入网站查询)。
从西式套餐、甜点、或是其他优惠都可以在这里找到哦! 疫情期间,他们无法如常营业,希望能够透过互联网来持续日常服务,欢迎大家来支持他们,让他们一起度过着这个难关!
因为你值得拥有(很耳熟吧)。 他们期待你们的爱和支持哦!
Hey ya’ll, look over here! They’ve finally set up their own online store with delivery and self pick-up services. they’ll jump right in to the goodies they’re about to offer! Sign up as a member/user and instantly claim 30% discount with the promo code provided for your first 2 orders.
Please visit the website to claim your discount code! 🙂 Due to the pandemic, they could not run our daily operations as usual. They hope to continue our services through e-commerce and bring their meals and drinks right to your doorstep!
They appreciate your love and support and they hope to get through this difficult time together. They want to continue to serve the community good quality food and coffee. By being a member of the page, they will be able to update you with promos, new meals, meal preps, lunch/dinner sets, pastries and cakes from time to time.
They look forward to your support! Check out their page and sign-up now! 🙂 With love, www.SkinnyDipKL.com